Okay, so here is a brief run down on what is happening right now in our house (besides Mac and Mikayla downstairs screaming at each other about something.)
Mac - Mac is now a yellow belt in Aikido. He will be starting T-ball next month. He is an avid reader, much to the pleasure of both myself and his teacher. He is also supposed to advance to Bobcat in Cub Scouts in May.

Mackenzie and Mr. Carter
Mikayla - Mikayla continues to grow like a weed. She is almost as tall as her brother now, can practically wear his clothes. She is very much a girly girl though and will almost always wear a dress unless I can convince her otherwise, which is very rare indeed. Her teachers love her at school and spoil her rotten with cuddles. We are still in search of a little girl in our area that she can play with.

Mikayla smiling at the Camera
Mike - Mike is finally not working as many hours as he used to, which is good and bad. Good in that he is home more often now and (hopefully) not as stressed out. Bad in that we were really liking all that extra money. He is considering taking up Aikido (at my suggestion) to help get him doing something to exercise and to share something with Mac.

Mike's new TV
Michelle - I have started a new job as an MT. So far (the whole 3 days I've worked) it looks much better and promising than the last job. My boss is really easy going and helpful. The money is almost nonexistent right now, but it's only been 3 days. I think I've made a pretty good impression so far though. I continue to go to my torture sessions, I mean, chiropractice sessions from the car accident. I can't wait until those are over.
In General - We bought a new car. After the old car returned to us from the body shop neither Mikayla nor I felt safe anymore so Mike and I traded it for a 2006 Mitsubishi Outlander. I would go outside and take a picture for you, but Mike has it. He is quite the happy little camper right now. Between his big screen tv and new car I hope there isn't anything else the boy wants this year. Oh yeah, a grill. Well, maybe for his birthday.

Chell's new car
The house is coming along great. We planted a bunch of new plants in the front when Mom was here at the beginning of March. Some snapdragons (which I love!), lorapetalums, and a rose vine. All seem to be thriving. If we can make it past all these cold snaps that keep coming. It's supposed to get down to 32 again tonight. Time to cover all the new plants. This is the 2nd time this has happened since we planted! Crazy weather. We have not done a whole lot to the inside of the house besides getting new living room furniture (to go with the new big screen tv of course). I haven't even gotten around to hanging our pictures in the bedroom. But we will eventually get there.

The new house
(3/23/06) Tonight we are all going to a skating party for Mac's cub scouts. I will hopefully remember to bring the camera and take pictures. This will be the first time both kids have ever been on roller skates. It should be an interesting night.
UPDATE: We did forget the camera last night for the skating party. But I think it's better we did as all 4 of us spent more time on our butts than on the actual roller skates. We had fun though and the kids are both anxious to try again. I'm glad to say that despite spending more time on the floor than skating, we all laughed and had a good time.